Cool thread! I like the way you generalise the ideas for both sides without going into details. This is very helpful for beginners and more advanced players who want to start studying this opening. In the book ''the fascinating kings gambit'' the author actually includes at the start of the book the general ideas and manouvers. The things you mention are the ideas that go behind the moves and do lead to a better understanding of the opening without use of variations. I will read your blogs, thanks greengiant101.
Although at the moment however my SMG study is done but great post.
What's the game plan for White?
* Mind the vulnerable f7 square through
6 Bc4.
* Place the rooks on the open c-file and
half open d-file in order to pose develop-
mental problems for the Black Queen.
* Utilize the Nc3-d5/b5 maneuver to
attack Black's position.
* Where possible, aim for a timely e4-e5
What's the game plan for Black?
Accept the gambit and consolidate the
position as follows:
* Cover e5 via 5 ... d6.
* Limit the c4 bishop's scope through
6 ... e6.
* Advance 9 ... e5 so as to prevent e4-e5.
Chess Openings On-Demand: Giuoco Piano Style
French Defense: Chatard-Alekhine Attack
Petroff Defense
Petroff's Defense: Cochrane's Gambit
Reti Opening
King's Indian Defense