
chess styles


what are the types of chess players called


 and what are they best at 

I do not believe there are formal classifications of players based on chess style, but I think the basic player types are, in my opinion, defensive, attacking, positional, and tactical.
Put 'chess styles' in google and look at the very first link.
Loomis is once again correct.  Please disregard my original statement, but note that the USCF player classifications are subjective.
Thanks to Ray Brooks, that was the link I hoped would be found. It's true that those classifications are subjective, any classification scheme of style will be subjective.
Dont let a style predict a level of play but choose something that you can incorporate or feel comfortable in using.  Be familiar with openings, study tactics, always ask yourself the same questions the masters use. Anticipate, be proactive to set up a plan, be reactive to equalize, but always remember tempo is the key to any win
The whole concept of style is vastly overblown. Just try to play the best moves.

First, in most positions there isn't an objectively best move. In some cases you have to make a choice between taking the game into two different kinds of positions. In this case, knowing whether you tend to do better in a complex tactical position or a position that demands slow positional manoevering could be important in deciding what move to play.


Second, if you're going to adopt a particular opening system it's best to pick one that fits your style. Otherwise you'll wind up in middle game positions that you don't play as well as middle game positions from other opening systems.


Having said that, if you're below expert level, these considerations are far far less important than consistently making good moves and accurately calculating tactics. Nearly all games below expert level are decided by mistakes rather than good moves that don't fit the players style. 

Still, if one thinks to himself "I am a tactical player so I should play very aggressively!" it will colour your decision making skills over the board. There may be no objectively best move but people don't need unncecessary nonsense about "oh he's positional, oh he's tactical blah blah blah" adding more to their already cluttered thinking process. Look at a positional logically and come up with the best move you can based on what you see on the board, not based on some ridiculous desire to appeal to your self image.

So what I'm saying is...pick an opening that brings you the best results, and play the moves that you think will bring you the best results based on your OTB analysis.  Don't worry about styles or any of that, just play chess.