Well, computers say a lot of things. You'll find computers aren't always right. They have their strengths and their weaknesses. The problem is, a human goes into a game with the knowledge of what they want to achieve. A good chess player knows what position they want to put their opponent in...and chooses an opening that is best suitable.
A computer doesn't have this concept of desire, or even goal. They only calculate out the potential likely moves for a position and make a bases off 'whichever result gives them a higher point total.' That point total might not be a better position, it might not even be useful. And when you're calculating something so complex as an opening, odds are the computer will miss a lot of fundemental moves. Even a computer can't calculate everything.
So, that responce is probably one way to do it. But that doesn't mean it's the 'best way.' It's a possible option. But instead of worrying about what a computer says, find an opening you like. Because unless you can play like a computer (and know exactly why it prefers a certain opening), knowing a computer's favorite book isn't going to help you out at all. Using it would probably hinder you.
The problem with the crafty program when it comes to analasys is that it doesn't analyze openings that are in its book. Therefore I had to use another program, der bringer 1.9 (available on this site) to do it for me. After about 7 and a half hours and analyzing 8,360,684,392 positions after d4, it concluded that the best counter move is d4-d5, Nf3-e6, e3-Nf6, c4.... ( I couldn't see after this). Either way, it was strange since most people respond with nf6.