
Dangerous Bc4!!!


White has a 1-pawn advantage and Positional Advantage!!

1. Bc4 isn't an amazing move, and to suggest that it deserves twenty exclamation points is more than a little naive. It's solid, but not stellar.


2. 5. ... Nxd5 is the bad move rather than 3. Bc4 being the good one. It allows the Fried Liver Attack (6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6, which is how it typically goes, with Black preserving the piece advantage in material for an awkward defensive position), as well as the 6. d4 Lolli Attack, which does offer White some advantage.


Might I suggest curbing your enthusiasm a little. 


why wouldn't black just play Bc5 playing the Guioco Pianissimo opening?

herbert0611 wrote:

White has a 1-pawn advantage and Positional Advantage!!

 I agree with your assessment after 7...Ke8, but what about 7...Ke6 ?

why not? 3. d4!
Spongebo1 wrote:

why wouldn't black just play Bc5 playing the Guioco Pianissimo opening?

Some dont play 3....Bc5 because they fear 4b4 !?  the evans gambit .


After 3. Bc4 Black also can play 3. ... Be7 - Hungarian Defense in order

to prevent sharp theoretical variants.

Dmytro wrote: 5...Nxd5 is a mistake. Black should play 5...Na5.

or 5...b5!?

dutchdefense wrote: Dmytro wrote: 5...Nxd5 is a mistake. Black should play 5...Na5.

or 5...b5!?

Also 5....Nd4 is very playable but I believe theory favors 5....Na5 but after 5....Nxd5?! 6 d4 ! is stronger than 6 Nxf7

Dmytro wrote: Spongebo1 wrote:

why wouldn't black just play Bc5 playing the Guioco Pianissimo opening?

 Yes, it is also possible. But I prefer two knights defense.

 two knights is good option i agree.

The assessment of the final position shows a serious lack of chess understanding. White stands with a full extra pawn, black's king is unable to castle, and black has no particular threats for white to worry about. This is not a slight advantage, this is a winning advantage.

black most play in move 4 not d5 but Bc5

then we speak about chessfun a we have a nice game to playCool

I also like 5. ... b5, the Ulvestad Variation of the Two Knights Defense, for Black,