
Defending 1. e4

TonightOnly wrote: chuckward wrote: The Lion works for me.

 Hey, I checked out your site. What they are calling the "Lion" is known to most chess players as the "Pirc" defense. Even the variations (head, claw, etc.) already have names. If black plays c6, it is the Czech system of the Pirc. If black plays e5, then the game transposes to a line of the Philidor. There is plenty of opening theory dealing with these lines so don't buy the BS on that site about the opening being unknown and avoiding opening theory.

LOL I know this already,I just like the name "The Lion".

Anyway the site is very informative.

Yes, I like the extensive listing of variations. I wish there was a place online that had these types of pages for all openings/many other openings. Know of any?
chuckward is not bad for opening research. is good too.

see my profile

Modern Scandinavian(1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6) and Sicilian Sveshnikov(1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5!?)

I do like the Icelandic Gambit  also.

Hey guys, when you play the sicilian defence against 1.d4? Doesn´t it ruin your castle at the king side allot later in the game? (never played any sicilian before)


redmadstake wrote:

Modern Scandinavian(1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6) and Sicilian Sveshnikov(1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5!?)

 Right on, the Svesh is uber manly...and probably the hardest sicilian to play.

farbror wrote:


What kind of practical defense Do you like vs 1. e4?? What do you as black like vs Ruy Lopez and his cousins??

 Ruy Lopez is one of the more complex chess openings. I dont reccommend you to begin with this opening, although I made the same mistake in the beginning of my chess player carier; I was happy becaus in Ruy Lopez the center was usually closed and could rsist many moves in the game.
After that I choose najdorf siclian and now I play caro kann, with good results in 3 min blitz games.


I like playing the Acc. dragon a lot, but I find I'm not very good at it.  Any suggestions for opening pitfalls to avoid.  Also, I play Caro-Kahn and had this strange response not long ago.

f3 isn't common, but it's not bad at all.  When I do see it, it's usually a bit earlier to enable the recapture with the pawn to the center.  I like the move here because it still provides a pawn recapture to the center after ...Nxe4, and it also limits Black's bishop and knight.
This line isnt good for white, after 5f3 Nxe4 6 fxe4 e5 ! black is fine and threatening Qh4+ . White certainly has no advantage and may already be worse.
Reb wrote: This line isnt good for white, after 5f3 Nxe4 6 fxe4 e5 ! black is fine and threatening Qh4+ . White certainly has no advantage and may already be worse.

 I agree with you opinion; black has a better pawn structure in the ending; e4 pawn is isolated.

I play the Center Counter. It's simple and forcing, and I have options as to how I want to play out of it.

The first two moves are the Pirc, but I don't recall ever seeing 3. ... Nbd7 in the Pirc. But I'm certainly no specialist.



I think its a good idea to have more than one defense to 1e4. You might be playing a game in which only a win will do or you might be in a situation in which all you need is a draw.
Chesslover96 wrote: I play the Scandinavian Defense (1... d5) in most games, but I am also a specialist at the Sicilian Dragon. I don't play it a lot though as there are a lot of things white can do to mess you up!

 I agree with playing the Sicilian. Although I EXTREMELY doubt this 1200 rated guy is a 'specialist' at the Dragon. I'm willing to bet my $340 just-now-won-poker-winnings that I would slaughter him on the White side of his Dragon =P

Rigio wrote:

Hey guys, when you play the sicilian defence against 1.d4? Doesn´t it ruin your castle at the king side allot later in the game? (never played any sicilian before)


 Simple answer: No. The black bishop will come to g7 and later a knight on f6. Black's position is pretty solid in the Dragon variation of the Sicilian. I prefer the Najdorf though... not quite sure why.