
Duras Gambit.


I play this and it's fairly good.. can someone go more in depth to it for me?

Also any good varations?


It's really not "fairly good" or good at all which you'll eventually discover the hard way if you keep on playing it. There's a reason why there's only 2 Master games with it in the Game Explorer here, and even though Black won both that's statistically meaningless. You really need to learn and play sound openings first.


Black just looks dead. Not even trying anything clever, what does black have for his pawns?


Lol... you all did the same mistake :)


The Game Explorer/Master Games DB here shows 2 masters losing to an "A" player and Expert after 1.e4 f5 2.ef5 Nf6 3.d4!

White Wins
Black Wins
2.d4 842
38% 20.5% 41.4%
2.Nf3 336
41.1% 23.5% 35.4%
2.c4 29
34.5% 24.1% 41.4%
2.f4 20
45%   45%
2.exf5 4
I just had this game with a friend haha, also while theorizing a bit with Duras opening, if your opponent allows, it is possible to play d6 -> e5 and then into a Queen's Indian defence. Wish I could link that game here but I played it on a real chess board. This was a recent game I had with a friend, although I could've equalised after his second move, I decided to continue with this Queens Indian idea. However I only won due to my opponents blunders, and what NimzoRoy said was correct. This is only an opening you should ever play to surprise your opponent.

Better to just never play this opening. If my opponent plays this I will indeed be surprised - pleasantly.




That was a reply to a post on that day which suggested the Duras had surprise value pfren. The comment has now been deleted, I guess they were banned. Thanks for taking an interest though, I'll quote anybody I reply to in future so you can see the timeline of events.


good opening for white


Duras gambit is insane. As black you have to hope white will blunder in the first 5 moves. If he does the game will be over soon because the gambit allows you to develop quickly. If he doesn't the game will be over even sooner because you are just begging to be mated with this opening.


I think if you're going to do this you might as well play 2...Kf7 and go for full psychological effect, but then again that's even more easily refuted. 


a warrior's opening!


Beat me to it starboontz...


On move 11 for white rxg3 is best


Why does black always move the knight after the gambit is accepted? d5 is strong and Idk how white can punish

OrdoAjedrez wrote:

Why does black always move the knight after the gambit is accepted? d5 is strong and Idk how white can punish

The knight on f6 supports the d5 pawn plus it also sets a blockade for the white pawn on f5. Sometimes white player can give back the pawn to destroy black's structure by playing f6.

What are your thoughts @pfren?

pfren wrote:
kushal1roy έγραψε:
OrdoAjedrez wrote:

Why does black always move the knight after the gambit is accepted? d5 is strong and Idk how white can punish

The knight on f6 supports the d5 pawn plus it also sets a blockade for the white pawn on f5. Sometimes white player can give back the pawn to destroy black's structure by playing f6.

What are your thoughts @pfren?


Why should you need my thoughts about a stupid move which drops a pawn and creates serious weaknesses for nothing? You can think by yourself.

😂😂😂😂 Good one. I needed your thoughts because I am lower rated than him. Anyway the whole gambit is stupid.


I played the Karim-Bot server, the game went like this- 1.e4 f5... bunch of other moves. I ended up winning with two queens against Karim-Bot. That explains why he has such a low rating. (No offense intended)


White underestimated/incorrectly played against the Duras Gambit again happy.png