
Dutch defence


Hi there!

As a d4 player, I meet the Dutch defence sometimes. The problem is that I just can't find any reasonable way to deal with that opening. I've already tried the variations with Bg2 fianchetto, but really couldn't obtain any advantage whatsoever. Especially the Stonewall setup brings me headache. Are there any other ways to counter that opening? (Not meaning crazy lines offering pawn on move 2).

Thanks for Your suggestions!


2. Bg5 is what Dutch players usually don't like to see.


When I was a d4 guy, I found the 2.Nc3 lines were easy to play, and gave me good results.

Lots of good sidelines against the Dutch.  You just accept that and live with it if you're going to push f5.  I never found the early Bg5 stuff too daunting, especially as a Leningrad hardly notice it.  But the early Nh3 and h4 stuff is much more testing.


Hi jMutzenbacher.  I went through the same struggles as a d4 player against the Dutch.  I never felt comfortable with the King side fianchetto and I'm not into gambits.  Ultimately I settled on typical d4 development moves such as 2. c4 and 3. Nc3.  Often my light squared bishop goes to e2 and my queen to c2.  At our level I think this is fine.  Perhaps a stronger player can offer some critism.  Take care.


i play Nf3 , Bg5 , Nbd2 , c3 , Bd3 , e3/e4...not neccesarily in that order but it's a solid set-up...good luck


Thank you guys, I'll do my best and eventually public some games if I succeed!


2g4 is worth a go...some interesting lines. Black can thread his way to equality if he knows what he's doing.....but he can fall into a few quick defeats...

I like 2Nf3 with the idea of Bg5 or perhaps Bf4 as a more strategic approach


Perhaps the bigger downside to the Bg5 lines for you is that some of the popular Dutch monographs give a quick d5 as the antidote...which doesn't mean black's position is necessarily all that impressive...but it DOES mean you'll probably see even more stonewalls than you're already seeing.  Since you said you especially hate facing those, it's probably worth a heads up.


I don't think 2.g4 or the 2.e4 gambit lines are any good since black can obtain more than equality if he knows what hes doing-hes going to be up a full pawn against 2.g4.

1.d4 f5 2.Nf3 Nf6 (or 1.d4 e6 2.Nf3 f5)- Its too late to have an Anti-Dutch now imo. Black is going to be well on his way to setting up a Stonewall so white has nothing better than the main lines with g3 and c4. The system that captain trips shows doesn't have enough pressure on the center with c4 and black is going to end up moving the bishop twice and maybe even pushing c3-c4, losing 2 tempi. White hasn't fianchettoed either so black's attack is more likely to succeed.

The fianchetto g3/Bg2 is necessary to defend the upcoming attack. This fianchetto (on the black side) also happens in the Birds Opening and the Sicilian Grand Prix Atk when white pushes an early f4.

And the thing about playing 2.Nc3 or 2.Bg5 is that if your opponent plays the French vs. 1.e4, he will get into a Stonewall with e6, then f5.


Oh and, forgot to add, play in the center (if possible) and on the queenside (more likely) -very important.


Im the black side. What shall I do if ,in the second step ,my opponent does not bring out " NF3" , but continue to march the pawn through d5?

It seems breaking up my dutch defence completely..


Why did black go Kf7?


Try the hopton attack