
Endgame troubles!.


I have trouble with endgames now. Anything would help. Here is an OTB game I played:

This is draw in all combinations.

I agree.

           If both players play well, it should be a draw.


As far as I can tell, the position is drawn, as the most forcing move I can find for
Black is Nd6, which simply forces the King to retreat, and allows White to counter Black's advancing Pawn with his own.


This endgame was a theoretical draw at every move. When both sides have equal material and reasonable positions going into an endgame, that's hardly surprising. But you apparently didn't know it was a draw, so... what about 3...Nf5+? - You didn't have to drop that pawn, and your opponent would have opportunities to go wrong (Kd5 or Kc6).

Btw, you should post ENDGAME questions in the ENDGAME forum.  Wink
likesforests wrote:Btw, you should post ENDGAME questions in the ENDGAME forum. 

 After a while I begin to think that xbigboy is deliberately obtuse.