I'm a fan of the Ruy Lopez and the Smith Morra Gambit from white. For black, I haven't really found something I like a lot, but I'm exploring the Scandinavian at the moment.
Favorite Openings
I'm a fan of the Ruy Lopez and the Smith Morra Gambit from white. For black, I haven't really found something I like a lot, but I'm exploring the Scandinavian at the moment.
i just wanna say i have never really liked the scandinavian because it kinda gives white a tempo after 2....Qxd5 3 Nc3 attacking the queen thus gaining a tempo to white forcing black to move a piece twice which delays development.BUT THATS JUST ME.
We seem to be a carbon copy of each other! I play accel dragon and budapest too! as White is play the scotch gambit/danish/kings gambit. My favourite is the budapest tho. Most frequent is accel dragon.
What opening does everybody else like the best/play most often? I usually play the Scotch.