Gambit stuff vs Caro-Kahn
I like a gambit b3 vs the caro kann, eg
Whte can then follow up with Ne2-g3, Qe2 and 0-0-0, which normally regains the pawn
I like playing gambits and have struggled for a long time with the question what to play against the Caro-Kann. The main line always lead to boring positions in my hands and I knew of no actual gambit lines (I knew of ways of losing material, but unfortnunately that in itself does not constitute a gambit). I think I recently resolved the issue. The reason I play gambits is because I like complicated attacking games. There are to my knowledge two reasonable systems that lead to such games: the advance variation with 4.Nc3 (instead of 4.Bd3 as in the line given by dalminatic above) and the gambit system (not actually a gambit, but a complicated opening). Let give you a sample of both:
There is a book on both variations by Karpov and Podgaets ( probably mostly the latter) that is very interesting (both sample are from it). I quite like it.
An interesting line is 3.Qf3 but not a gambit. The fantasy variation posted by mathijs is pretty sweet tho. I overlooked this gambit, it seems usefull and i read that it is covered on the dvd/cdrom 1.e4 for the creative attacker. (released jan 2008)
Nigel Davis recommends The Fantasy Variation in his book "gambiteer I"
It has not yet appealed to my Gambit Sweettoth
Friends, What kind of gambit stuff do you like to play vs Caro-Kahn??
Cheers, Farbror