I like the classic "Ideas behind the chess openings" by Reuben Fine, though that might not be detailed enough. I would browse around online and see if there are any "interesting" books that might quote different games as opposed t recycling te same old stuff. Case in point, I randomly found this book called "King Pawn Openings" by Marovic and Susic. It's cool because they quote a lot of games from the Balkans and every author has their take on traps and what are good lines, what is novel, etc...and this has been a pretty enjoyable book. So of course you will find big famous books by well known authors, but it's fun to branch out a little. If you're interested in researching an opening in particular though, download some games! This is a GREAT site:
Good luck!
I have some knowledge on the queens gambit and a little bit of know how on some others but I want to learn more about them. I'm willing to invest into some good opening books (Not sure which, recommendations?) Can anyone recommend any books (or openings that I should learn which I'll look for some books on) that would be of use. Any advice would be appreciated.