
greatest player to ever regularly play the Scandinavian Defense as black?

I'm trying to study the Scandanavian defense (1. e4, 1. d5) and I can't find many top level games where black successfully played it. Are there any current or past super GMs (>2750) that regularly used this opening with success? If not, just regular GMs that played it frequently will do.
Probably not the best, but I do know renown YouTuber IM John Bartholomew LOVES the "Scandy"!

Anand used to play it sometimes. However I think he finally realized it is not such a good opening at his level?


Maybe not regularly but Nakamura played it a bit. There's a good video on YouTube Karjakin - Nakamura from one if the Tal blitzes. Also there's a video with Leko playing against it.


"... regular GMs that played it frequently ..." - Jonboy1042

Sergey Kasparov, David Smerdon


I love it when I'm white and someone plays the Scandinavian on me. The moment I see 1...d5, I just know it's going to be a super easy win. Also, I'm Norwegian, so I guess that's funny too.


Oh that sweet moment at 4 AM in the middle of a freezing black Norwegian night when you raise your online chess blitz rating from 635 to 641 by crushing the Scandinavian.


But then lose the following 2 games at 4:10 and 4:20 AM and drop to a rating of 609...

Strangemover skrev:

Oh that sweet moment at 4 AM in the middle of a freezing black Norwegian night when you raise your online chess blitz rating from 635 to 641 by crushing the Scandinavian.

Oh, but you're mistaken. It's actually a whole positive centigrade right now. Besides, the temperature outside my igloo doesn't matter, as long as I have my polar bear rug to keep me warm here on the inside. At least I have nice teeth.


I think it's a very underrated opening, especially for club players. There are aggressive lines like the Icelandic Gambit, but you can also try to steer the game into Caro-Kann like structures. At the elite level it's used primarily as a surprise weapon.



Sergey Kasparov lol!


Some game references can be seen at:

From what I have been told, the Scandinavian is supposively simpler to learn, simpler to prepare against, and less double-edged for those who prefer to win rather than settle for the draw as Black, but it is within the draw margin and these things are far less a factor at amateur/club levels.

Kotronias has some good analysis on the opening in his book as well as John Bartholomew in his Chessable repertoire, there is a free (and full) version on his site.

Morphysrevenges a écrit :
lordmagnus1 wrote:

I love it when I'm white and someone plays the Scandinavian on me. The moment I see 1...d5, I just know it's going to be a super easy win. Also, I'm Norwegian, so I guess that's funny too.

Lord - checked out your games against the scandy. you have only played about 8 which is nothing.


against 2. --- Nf6 which I like you have a 50% score. Hardly an "easy win".

Against 2. --- Qa5 you are 3-1 which is 75%. okay, but if one game had gone the other way , you would also be 50%. 

Against 2. ---- c6 which is a bullshit move for black as it gives away a second pawn for NOTHING, you have 100%. but again, that is the bullshit line. You are not doing as well against the Scandy as you think my friend. 

c6 is a playable move. If you look at my most recent games you will see that a NM played c6 multiple times against me. 



Don't ask such question, the reason almost no one plays it is because it slows black development, Scandinavian is a opening for rating 100-200 players, don't play it.


josephyossi - here is a game where a pretty good player beat another pretty good player with it:

I agree that sometimes you get you get behind in development with the Scandinavian, but can't you say that about a lot of openings? Most games aren't decided in the opening. 


Play the engines if you want to master this opening, don't go for the master games.,