


Please can some one give me some advice, i have encountered this opening to the Scilian on several occasions and always play the same move next what is the corredct line if any?

I always play e6 to protect a possible attack on f7 is this correct or a blunder straight from the start.


This line is actually played somewhat frequently in blitz. At least I've run into it a few times. I usually just respond with Nc6.


Unless your opponent put more preassure on f7 it's nothing you need to worry about. 

Thanks for that, i always seem to worry about f7 being a weak square because of the obvios mating threats. Like you say unless my opponent goes out looking to exploit f7 then i can play a normal development until that occurs.
If your opponent play Qh5 and actually tries to go for a easy mate just reply with e6. You protect the f7 square and your pawn at c5 with that move.
2. ... e6 is a book move: it also frees the bishop.  It is not essential to protect f7 yet, so a stronger move would be 2. ... Nc6.

2.Bc4 in the Sicilian should transpose into main lines if White plays a delayed d4, or at least position similair to main lines.


If White goes all out attack on f7 you can easy defend it. Developing your Knight early to c6 is a good option as this Knight can go to e5 to defend f7 at the same time attacking the bishop on c4, and if white has attacked f7 with Qf3, you can simply take on c4 if your worried about f7 :)





I have seen this Bc4 in other people's games . Some have annotated on game showcase.  I notice some things from reading opening books, although I dont normally play sicilian myself.  Main thing is that black wants to play d5 at the earliest opportunity.  Thats the idea for instance behind the accelerated dragon.  In this case it seems Bc4 invites e6 followed soon by d5 so white is playing into black's hands.  It seems just a trappy move if played by someone who knows what theyre doing, else a beginners move.  e6 is the correct move imo