Consider you are not a computer, you have to find the right moves over the board in a limited time.
Ummm, no, you don't have to be a computer to beat the Halloween.
I have already shown a simple line which gives Black a small advantage with no risk, and if one is a perfectionist, there is even a free course at Chessable which analyses 7...c6 at a greater depth than you did.
Your line 7. .. Bd6 is already mentioned in my booklet at UON40. The position is just equal after 8.fxe5 Bxe5 9.Bd3 d6 10.0-0 0-0 11.h3 Qe7 12.Ne2. So this is no refutation.
In the same booklet I have 6 pages analyses of 7. .. c6 . Sorry if you don't find this enough.
Consider you are not a computer, you have to find the right moves over the board in a limited time.
Ummm, no, you don't have to be a computer to beat the Halloween.
I have already shown a simple line which gives Black a small advantage with no risk, and if one is a perfectionist, there is even a free course at Chessable which analyses 7...c6 at a greater depth than you did.