I guess the practical issue is getting into a symmetrical English or something when you didn't intend for that. Another point is that after 2...g6 White can force a Maroczy bind with 3.Nf3 and 4.d4. If you play the accelerated dragon then this is probably OK for you since you can just set up a dragon and play chess regardless of what White is doing. If not then you may prefer an e6 setup where it's not good for White to play for d4 since Black's dark-squared bishop can be developed.
how do you punish 1. e4 c5 2. c4 as Black?
what about king safety? expanding on the King side seems risky
In the Botvinnik System, the knight doesnt go to f3, it goes to e2.
The key for Black to succeed is to play ...e6 instead of copying White's symmetry with ...e5. With ...e6 Black can play ...d4 to free himself, whereas White often never can, at least not until the late middle game, at least not if he wants to avoid half-opening the c-file in typical Sicilian fashion. With ...e5 it usually becomes a dead draw with a symmetrical, closed position. Both sides typically fianchetto kingside, at least in the book variations, both sides use the Q4 hole if it exists (only Black has access to this hole at d4 if Black plays the ...e6 move I mentioned), and the more open files there are, the better chances one side (especially Black) can win by selecting the best file on which to invade.
P.S.--Here's a recent game I played against the computer that illustrates some of these generalities. I hesitate to post it since I botched it up and ended up with a draw in a winning position, but it's an instructive game for this Staunton-Cochrane variation for that reason and various other reasons.
you go 2. ... qxf2 #
you cant play qxf2 if only 1. e4 c5 was played nor would it be mate because if qxf2 kxqf2
you go 2. ... qxf2 #
you cant play qxf2 if only 1. e4 c5 was played nor would it be mate because if qxf2 kxqf2
You know you're talking to someone whose account was closed about six years ago? This thread is from 2015. And you revived it by scolding a closed account for a gag reply. Way to go!
I met this with black against a lower rated player in a long chess OTB game, I played horribly and didn't have any clue what I was doing, and offered draw which he accepted. :D