
I invented an opening.

1 c4. c5.2. d4. d6. 3. d5. Nf6. 4 Nc3 g6. 5. Nf3. Bg7. 6. e3. e6. 7. Be2. O-O. 8. O-O. a6. I won a lot of games with it.

If you have spotted an an error tell me I will improve only 1000 or more can help.


Black should clearly just play 2...cxd5 and be very slightly better. Black's moves here transpose into the Benoni Defense. Your moves are mostly normal but why e3? Just play e4.


I'll assume you're speaking as black since if you played this as white... black will just take and you won't get to push d5.

error number 1) this is a benoni transposition, it's not a new opening.

error number 2) you won't get past move 6 regardless of which side you're playing, since neither e3 or e6 get played in this position.