
Introducing: The Thrawn Opening


I have combined a lot of openings together to create an ultimate opening that can get someone from 500 to 700 elo in JUST A FEW MONTHS. Due to Grand Admiral Thrawn's great strategic skills I have decided to name it after Thrawn. Introducing: The Thrawn Opening.


How do you play this opening tongue.png

You start with king pawn, the pawn next to it, the other pawn next to that, the knights and bishops and queen, and then everything else.

Thats bad. You give your opponent a lead in development and create positional holes on b4 and d4. You cant decide to Play this and that and then that, you have to react to your opponents moves. Also, No opening will get you anywhere. Learn tactics and you will get from 500 to 700 in a week


Improved version of the Thrawn opening (also prevents back-rank checkmate and puts more defense on bishop)


D4 is NOT a weakness as 2 pieces are defending it. The only weaknesses are B4 and A3 and only a bishop or queen can go from B4 to A3. So basically you barely have chances of attacking but your defense is almost like a titanium shield (with a few small weaknesses, still vulnerable to trades but not to attacks).


This opening lets you control almost all your half of the board + some parts of the opponent’s half of the board. If someone tries to checkmate with queen on G2 you just have to move its pawn forward and potentially move your E3 bishop and the H2 pawn as well.


but that takes 14 moves


And your pieces are on bad squares, if you played this against someone they would destroy you


Within 14 moves black can easily take advantage of your position, open the center, and easily get fully developed


d4 is a weakness because Nc6, and the queen on its starting square can protect it twice. If they fianchetto their bishop then it becomes even weaker


1. You don’t have to always play this in the main order. It works as long as you get most of the pieces in the positions even if you play in any order to defend agianst the opponent.

2. This opening is designed to be played by lower elo players, not ones playing against 1,000+ elo players.


3. This opening is MEANT to be one of the longest openings as it is MEANT to remove AS MANY weaknesses as possible on more than half the board.


For some reason ChatGPT keeps calling this a meme opening when it is meant to be serious.


It is a meme opening


If you played against me with this opening, I could destroy you


Your rooks & light square bishop is staring into a bunch of pawns


Since you have dedicated so many pawns to light squares, there are weaknesses on dark squares like b4 d4


Which is why only a dark bishop or a queen could possibly get past the weaknesses. It removes the chances of knights, pawns and light bishop from getting past the defenses.


This opening works against low elo players AND is easy to memorise if you play it frequently as there is not exactly a specific order and it can be played in many orders depending on the situation.