Goofy opening for White:
Fianchetto Opening!
(Not to be confused with King's Fianchetto)
Goofy opening for White:
Fianchetto Opening!
(Not to be confused with King's Fianchetto)
sniper's opening would be a better name
Sniper's Opening! The opening where you trade central control for an army of snipers!
Bishop Despair
This is the most sacrilegious opening ever. I mean, who would play this thing?
Goofy opening for White:
Fianchetto Opening!
(Not to be confused with King's Fianchetto)
sniper's opening would be a better name
Sniper's Opening! The opening where you trade central control for an army of snipers!
Your sniper's opening sounds interesting. But what's with king to d2? Is it another bongcloud opening?
Goofy opening for White:
Fianchetto Opening!
(Not to be confused with King's Fianchetto)
sniper's opening would be a better name
Sniper's Opening! The opening where you trade central control for an army of snipers!
Your sniper's opening sounds interesting. But what's with king to d2? Is it another bongcloud opening?
The fianchettoed king variations are meme bongcloud openings
This queen pawn opening allows the opponent to take control of the centre and allows you to castle queenside. However, two things can happen in this opening:
1) You may bring your bishop to g5, thus allowing the opponent to develop their dark-squared bishop to e7. After that, the opponent may bring their queen to d2 and castle the queen's side, while their opponent castles the king's side. This is quite aggressive and may lead to a lot of pawn-storming.
2) After moving your bishop to g5, they may also develop their bishop to e6, allowing you to play pawn to e4. The opponent will usually have to capture that centre pawn, not only doubling their pawns in the centre but also losing casting rights. You can also castle queenside in this variation.
@RandomChessPlayer62 That's an interesting variation you have on Petrov's defence. I might want to use it against one of my opponents.
@EwingKlipspringer That's a new legendary bongcloud. The gravity bong cloud. Hikaru should play that against one of his Sicilian opponents.
@RandomChessPlayer62 That's an interesting variation you have on Petrov's defence. I might want to use it against one of my opponents.
After Ke6 there's a few options for white.
O-O: Protect your king and bring your rook into the fight
Nc3: Put more pressure on Black's poor knight
d3: Attack more of the center
and more.
Can you try to invent a new opening for either white or black and develop lines and variations for it?