Is Ben Finegold as big a jerk as he seems in his videos?
ben finegold makes a lot of money from chess and is a rich man
that is why he can waste time making free youtube chess videos all day
You think all those videos he makes for the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis are done free-of-charge on his part?
because he is rich
and he loves making youtube videos
I guarantee you Finegold is not traveling from his home (in Michigan, I believe) to St. Louis to hang out at the CCSCSTL for extended periods of time, do commentaries there, give lectures that are recorded and put on YouTube just for the fun of it. He's getting paid to do so, as is every other grandmaster who works with the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis.
where is your proof?
so let's say he gets paid fine.
but he probably still rich enough that he can afford to all that because it enjoys it
ben finegold makes a lot of money from chess and is a rich man
that is why he can waste time making free youtube chess videos all day
You think all those videos he makes for the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis are done free-of-charge on his part?
because he is rich
and he loves making youtube videos
I guarantee you Finegold is not traveling from his home (in Michigan, I believe) to St. Louis to hang out at the CCSCSTL for extended periods of time, do commentaries there, give lectures that are recorded and put on YouTube just for the fun of it. He's getting paid to do so, as is every other grandmaster who works with the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis.
where is your proof?
so let's say he gets paid fine.
but he probably still rich enough that he can afford to all that because it enjoys it
Proof? Chess is his profession and nobody likes to work for free, no matter how much money they may have. And the CCSCSTL is backed by a multigajillionaire who could buy and sell someone like Ben Finegold (or even Garry Kasparov, for that matter) all day long.
Watching his videos, Finegold does come across as jerky, No doubt, there are very few of us who could play chess as well as he does, but his snarky attitude is a little over the top.
ben finegold makes a lot of money from chess and is a rich man
that is why he can waste time making free youtube chess videos all day
You think all those videos he makes for the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis are done free-of-charge on his part?
because he is rich
and he loves making youtube videos
I guarantee you Finegold is not traveling from his home (in Michigan, I believe) to St. Louis to hang out at the CCSCSTL for extended periods of time, do commentaries there, give lectures that are recorded and put on YouTube just for the fun of it. He's getting paid to do so, as is every other grandmaster who works with the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis.
where is your proof?
so let's say he gets paid fine.
but he probably still rich enough that he can afford to all that because it enjoys it
Proof? Chess is his profession and nobody likes to work for free, no matter how much money they may have. And the CCSCSTL is backed by a multigajillionaire who could buy and sell someone like Ben Finegold (or even Garry Kasparov, for that matter) all day long.
so that means he is rich if a billionaire is paying him
ben finegold makes a lot of money from chess and is a rich man
that is why he can waste time making free youtube chess videos all day
You think all those videos he makes for the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis are done free-of-charge on his part?
because he is rich
and he loves making youtube videos
I guarantee you Finegold is not traveling from his home (in Michigan, I believe) to St. Louis to hang out at the CCSCSTL for extended periods of time, do commentaries there, give lectures that are recorded and put on YouTube just for the fun of it. He's getting paid to do so, as is every other grandmaster who works with the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis.
where is your proof?
so let's say he gets paid fine.
but he probably still rich enough that he can afford to all that because it enjoys it
Proof? Chess is his profession and nobody likes to work for free, no matter how much money they may have. And the CCSCSTL is backed by a multigajillionaire who could buy and sell someone like Ben Finegold (or even Garry Kasparov, for that matter) all day long.
so that means he is rich if a billionaire is paying him
Your engine doesn't fire on all cylinders does it?
I have recently discovered B. Finegold's lectures on youtube. I can see how some people assume this guy is a jerk and may find his teasing to be over the top but after being exposed to some american culture previously and watching further videos, it is clear to me that there is no malice. I suspect if someone in the actual lectures complained and about being constantly name dropped into silly positions, I think he would just stop name dropping that one person but wouldn't change his style at all.
Overall, I really like his videos, there are other good GM lecturers videos at the CCSCSL if people don't like his videos but I find GM Finegold's particular style refreshing in a game that sometimes struggles to have a sense of humour.
Actually I met him some time ago. He was in Brooklyn visiting some family members and he stopped by the Midwood Chess Club where I play chess. Even tho he does appear to be a little pompous in some of his videos, in person he was a very nice man .
He should go on a diet ...Not a very sympathetic guy indeed...
lol... fat shaming always easiest on the internet. Go and continue to hide your own weight from us.
I've met him in St Louis; he's a bigger jerk in person than in his videos. And it has nothing to do with his "style."
He just got married a few days ago, by the way, not that it has anything to do with him being a jerk.
I think he's hilarious. There's nothing wrong with a little ribbing and smack talk. If you can't take it, you're probably emotionally damaged already. I've known a few people with similar personalities. Super quick-witted and not afraid to sneak diss you. He's cool.
Wow, Frizzo, if you think making a living out of putting people down is cool, I'd say you might be the one who's emotionally damaged. I've met the guy, he's a complete a-hole and his son is worse.
Old post is old. But I still think if you're going to say he comes off as a jerk, it deserves discussing, even half a year later. I've watched his lectures and that's just his sense of humor. He's sarcastic in a very dry way. He doesn't seem to have any actual ill intent with his mockery. He's just trying to be funny. His sense of humor isn't for everyone.
I think you'd be surprised at how many people come off rude or stuck up who aren't like that at all. Some people are just a little awkward, myself included. I had a friend tell me that when she first met me she thought I was stuck up because I never talked and gave short responses. No, I'm just awkward and don't know how to talk to new people. I played in a tournament with Ben but never talked to him, so I can't really say. But I just don't think he's a jerk. The kids at the club seem to love him, as does a lot of the chess community.
Wow, Frizzo, if you think making a living out of putting people down is cool, I'd say you might be the one who's emotionally damaged. I've met the guy, he's a complete a-hole and his son is worse.
Wow. You're pretty darn judgmental over such an innocent comment. Some people just have a mocking sense of humor. My friends and I put each other down all the time. It's all in fun. We know we're just joking. He's not actually putting people down. He's just joking. You need to lighten up. And you've met Ben once. That's hardly enough to call him a "complete a-hole". And then to attack his son. That's a douche move.