
Is Napoleon Attack good?


I found out about this opening while looking for some of the most aggressive chess openings for white, is it a legitimate good opening to play?


It's generally referred to as an "improved scotch". Similar position but e4 hasn't been played yet which gives white a little more initiative early on, engine also likes it slightly more.

Most consistent way to reach it is via 1. Nc3


Just because it sounds strong doesn't exception it from breaking the opening principle "no queens in openings".

Unless you are 600 or below, it should never be played.

I think you people are talking about the wrong Napoleon attack. There are a few openings that go by this name... most of them we completely dismiss and ignore, one of them is good and worth discussing.

This sucks -

This is very good -

The problem with the Napoleon attack is, to reach it reliably, you have to play 1. Nc3 - which means you must also play a Jobava after 1. Nc3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. Bf4. Also a position that's played at high level, though the engine thinks it's about equal and some people don't like playing equal positions.