
Is this a solid opening?


   What do u think of this opening? I've tried and it seems perfectly fine, but I've never heard of its name or anyone that uses it.

Sure, it's a good opening...if you're playing white...
I'm leaning the same direction (give me white)....seems careless of black and d5 will most likely follow... you seem to imply ya had some wins with this opening.  
Well I wasn't exactly playing the greatest chess players in the world (just a few friends that aren't half bad), but it seemed to do alright.

As far as the name of this opening goes, it starts out with a pirc (pronounced like the word 'pierce') defense (1.e4 d6) and turns into a transposition of the Smith/Morra gambit declined (which is a line coming from the Sicilian, 1.e4 c5 2.d4, accepted by taking the pawn, declined by doing something else, including d6, though this is arguably not the strongest move). I would say that better but similar openings are:


1. A more solid variation on the pirc, which usually involves developing with Nf6 and fianchettoing the f8 bishop, or


2. Simply starting off with a sicilian, which is a very popular opening for black and has many playable options. 


That being said, I have heard that almost any opening is playable at the club level if it is followed up by solid play, so don't throw this one all the way out of your repertoire. This is especially true if you play blitz games, where a good working knowledge of unusual openings can be a huge advantage. Best of luck!

I don't personally like it because if white captures you can only recapture with your d pawn which leaves the exchange of queens up to white.  If he exchanges you lose the right to castle, and although this isn't necessarily losing, to me it can make for a boring game.
After 3. d:c5 - d:c5, 4. Q:d8 ; K:d8 white stays better - Nc3, Bf4 (e3), 0-0-0. Black has problems with his king safety.

As white, I'd definitely push to d5 right away to cramp black's position.



BILL_5666 wrote: I don't personally like it because if white captures you can only recapture with your d pawn which leaves the exchange of queens up to white.  If he exchanges you lose the right to castle, and although this isn't necessarily losing, to me it can make for a boring game.

     If white takes the pawn..Qa5+ Nc3...Qxc5  Nf3...e7-e5   Nd5...Nc3 Black has a slightly weakened pawn structure, but still has his options. Like what was said earlier. In club play follow with solid play after the opening.

the_checkmater wrote:

   What do u think of this opening? I've tried and it seems perfectly fine, but I've never heard of its name or anyone that uses it.

 So, as you see in comments, give up this "so called" opening; try to play normal openings, not unusual ones.


Well, it's not entirely bad. It really depends on how black opens. Most of black's openings will not allow you to dominate both center squares without taking some material loss. But if you find a situation where black seems to let you dominate the center...try it. See if it works for you. If you play better with this opening, why care what other people think?


Basically, see if it works. And if you find yourself dominated, then move to a more traditional opening :P

You are both playing a Sicilian Defence with a slight different move order!  Both sides perfecly O.K.