
Is this 'sound'


I forget the name of this gambit ... I tried it a couple of times with no success. It seems black can easily equalise . What are your thoughts ?


Interesting line, i havnt seen it before so thanks for brining it to my attention. My database has a couple of 2500+ players with games using it. That speaks for itself.


My advice would be study a few games of strong white players using it to get a feel for it then go for it! 

Honestly, the cochrane gambit in response to the petroff is probably only suitable against mid-level to low-level players.  If your opponent isnt' familiar with the opening, you have good initiative and attacking chances, especially if you research it and can out-play your opponent's clock.  However, I believe that with best play from both sides, black can be no worse than drawn.  Then again, if you come up with your own novelties and work on it enough, you might see more than all of Kramnik's enemies!  =)