
Italian Trap

I'm sorry, but I don't see how the second is a trap at all. If anything, white is at a supreme disadvantage. White is down 2 points with no advantage to show for it. Black can easily move to g8 with no forseeable risks...
The first trap is the Traxler.  Nxf7 gives Black all of the chances.  On the second one, d4! is better than Nxf7.  A mainline of the Two Knights is...

judgeofthenight wrote: these are for who knows these has 70% chance of winning in a beginner level tournament.

 I don't think beginners should bother with learning traps. It's good to know, but the downside is that they'll want to attempt to play them any chance they get. All they're doing is playing moves they've memorized, and not really learning to play chess.

A real Italian Trap