Oh no my queen opening
Joke Openings
accelerated scholar's mate
prison cell mate
I plead the 5th defense
my little pony attack
teletubby formation
protestant ref formation
boiled hot dogs and catsup attack
bishop denies the allegations defense
the stamp collector gambit
quadruple muzio sow cow
PTSD attack
the last stand defense
Please you have to show these.
The Duras Gambit, bishop's counter gambit
Opening trap for Bishop's counter Gambit declined
Opening trap for Bishop's counter-gambit accepted
Opening trap for Bishop's Counter Gambit, accelerated fianchetto version
Main line, Bishop's counter gambit accepted
Accepted, Klenx variation
Accepted, dragon variation
Declined, main line
Janis Counter-gambit for black
accelerated scholar's mate
prison cell mate
I plead the 5th defense
my little pony attack
teletubby formation
protestant ref formation
boiled hot dogs and catsup attack
bishop denies the allegations defense
the stamp collector gambit
quadruple muzio sow cow
PTSD attack
the last stand defense
Please you have to show these.
They don't exist, I just tried to come up with the funniest sounding names I could come up with. you know... make JOKEs.
If you make some die laughing, have you JOKED them to death?
You guys are crazy. The best "Joke Openings" are What, Where, Why, How, etc.
WHAT is black and white and read all over?
(A Newspaper)
WHERE does Friday come before Thursday?
(In the Dictionary)
HOW do you make a blonde woman drown?
(Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool)
WHY should you never tell dad jokes while walking through a maze at a fall festival?
(They are too corny)
the "I gotta be fancy and beat that lone king with 2 queens and a bishop" gambit: