
King's Pawn Opening: King's Head Opening


Thanks, I will. And I already knew that my opening was not considered a good one, but I could rarely find a reason why. This forum has been very instructional.

my137thaccount wrote:
Potato50012 wrote:

I actually reduced the number of mistakes in my OTB games by adopting a pawn push method, changing me from losing to everyone OTB (before adopting 2f3) to winning against a good deal of people (after adopting 2f3). This allows me to easily threaten my opponent's pieces that come out and increase the time advantage by forcing pointless moves at the beginning whilre I build my pawn structure.

I'm not knocking your method, even though it's not optimal, but like I said in another comment 1.d4 2.c3 is by far better - try that and see if your results improve.

Actually, my next move is usually 3. c3 (to guard my central pawn), 3. g3 (to stop a check), or 3. g4 (to begin an attack on a knight)


It could be called The Fried Potato Attack.

Lastrank wrote:

It could be called The Fried Potato Attack.

I like that. But what exactly would it be, because 1.e4 e5 2.f3 is already spoken for. Maybe the Fried Potato Attack could be 1. e4 e5 2. f3 nf6 3. g4 or 1. e4 e5 2. f3 nc6 3. b4.

Both would work, as they are attacks that include 1. e4 e5 2. f3.

Chessopera wrote:

2. f3 is unsound and black should be more than happy to see it.

Yes, that has been said. Any new input?

Potato50012 wrote:
Lastrank wrote:

It could be called The Fried Potato Attack.

I like that. But what exactly would it be, because 1.e4 e5 2.f3 is already spoken for. Maybe the Fried Potato Attack could be 1. e4 e5 2. f3 nf6 3. g4 or 1. e4 e5 2. f3 nc6 3. b4.

Both would work, as they are attacks that include 1. e4 e5 2. f3.

1. e4 e5 2. f3 nf6 3. g4 could be the Fried Potato Attack, and 1. e4 e5 2. f3 nc6 3. b4 could be the Fried Potato Attack: _____ Variation.

If the knights are not moved, then it could just stay the King's Pawn Opening: King's Head Opening.

Chessopera wrote:

2. f3 is unsound and black should be more than happy to see it.

Denigrating the Fried Potato Attack is morally wrong.

Potato50012 wrote:
Lastrank wrote:

It could be called The Fried Potato Attack.

I like that. But what exactly would it be, because 1.e4 e5 2.f3 is already spoken for. Maybe the Fried Potato Attack could be 1. e4 e5 2. f3 nf6 3. g4 or 1. e4 e5 2. f3 nc6 3. b4.

Both would work, as they are attacks that include 1. e4 e5 2. f3.

Maybe The Fried Potato Attack should be any game which starts with 1.e4 2.f3 and is followed up with an early kingside pawn storm.  Naturally white would castle queenside. 


That would work.


And, on the rare occasion that I castle, it is usually queenside.


Well I played The Fried Potato Attack in a blitz game and won.  I pronounce the opening a success!



Yigor wrote:

Well, (un)fortunately, the Fried King's Head: Advance variation leads to the forced checkmate in 4 moves :






Thanks to Yigor for his excellent analysis!


That's why you don't use the Fried King's Head: Advanced Variation and stick with the Fried Potato Attack.


Maybe I should rename this "Fried Openings"


@Lastrank and @Potato50012 No problem, comrades, it was easy. wink.png

Potato50012 wrote:

That's why you don't use the Fried King's Head: Advanced Variation and stick with the Fried Potato Attack.


All right, let's now analyze Fried Potato Attack. I'll post my impressions. wink.png


Thank you, it would be most welcome.

DeirdreSkye wrote:

1.e4 e5 2.f3 is an absolute nonsense.  If it works in OTB maybe you must stop playing in the ignorants/ beginners/ "just learned the moves" division.

Thus, your input is not new Chessopera. If you want to contribute, you should probably find out what has already been contributed. Give new reasons for that point.

Potato50012 wrote:

Thank you, it would be most welcome.


First of all, the following position:



has an official name: Reversed Damiano Defensepeshka.png