That's not a very good option (from the available choices).
King's Pawn Opening: King's Head Opening
Alright! I'll try the Fried King's Head and see what happens.
Hahaha ... but don't try the Advance variation with a forced checkmate.
Got stuck playing a French Defense game, I guess now I'll reconsider and play the 2 Knights Defense (seeing as it's the least likely to lose). However, I may have to wait until tomorrow because I still have to eat and other stuff and I probably won't have time.
Got stuck playing a French Defense game, I guess now I'll reconsider and play the 2 Knights Defense (seeing as it's the least likely to lose). However, I may have to wait until tomorrow because I still have to eat and other stuff and I probably won't have time.
Please post it afterwards! Notice that 3. d4 works only vs 2...Nf6 (Reversed Damiano defense). In the Italian variation 2...Bc5, U could play first 3. c3 (or 3. Bc4). If black play something else, we'll be glad to discuss it.
Let's look at some of the positional advantages of 2.f3 that make it a potentially useful move against some players. It guards the undefended e4 pawn, It controls the center square e4, It controls the g4 square guarding against incursions by a knight or bishop. It provides luft for the king to avoid a back rank mate! It supports an eventual pawn storm on the kingside (The Fried Potato Attack)
I just wanna add 1 more unsound but hilarious variation Fried Bongcloud's Head (ev=-3):
inspired by the renowned Bongcloud Attack :
I could see that. Most of the time I storm King and Queenside at the same time using the back rank as an anchor, what do you think of that?
I just played a game in which after storming the kingside with pawns the indicated strategy was to storm the queenside with pawns too. That's unusual. Maybe a peculiarity of this opening.
Alright! I'll try the Fried King's Head and see what happens.