
king's pawn opening query


the program 'freechess'

plays this opening as black on 'hard' level:

1 e2-e4    e7-e5
2 Ng1-f3   Bf8-d6

....defending the e5 pawn with the bishop rather than the more common Nb8-c6 'epine dorsal'

I have checked the brilliant Network Of Chess Openings Site and it wasn't listed.

Have you come across it before and if so what are good responses for white ?

I havn't encountered that. It looks like it's just going to cramp black up. Some normal developing move would work. Like 3 Bc4 going for a london system wich looks like it'll work great in that situation. You could just develop your other knight with 3 Nc3. 3 c3 preparing for 4 d4 works too and will cause black some trouble or you could just play 3 d4 right away and trade pawns.

i wondered if it even had a name.

it is very surprising because one would normally expect chess software to stick to established book moves. it plays this opening every time though.

thanks for the advice too.

You should play 2...Bd6 against me! loolWink
I've tried Bd6 in the past with thoughts of fianchettoing the other bishop. I think it failed against stronger players.
EnGliSHCheSsPlAy wrote: You should play 2...Bd6 against me! lool

give it a whirl if you can. the program can be found here

the programmer seems to think it's a fair opening for black even if the rest of the world thinks otherwise!

if it's possible, perhaps you can point out at which stage it becomes obvious it was a blunder for black.


2...Bd6 is not a blunder (it doesn't hang anything) ; it's simply a move that slightly hampers black's development.

I think all of Neneko's suggestions make sense ; I would however not play an immediate 3.d4 as 3...exd4 frees black's bishop diagonal and may give a justification to its position, but that's only my opinion. 


Well, with Bd6, the king's knight should avoid the f6 square otherwise white will attempt to pry open the center and fork the bishop and knight with a pawn on e5.

So if the knight moves to e7, things will start to look very cramped. 
