king's pawn opening query
i wondered if it even had a name.
it is very surprising because one would normally expect chess software to stick to established book moves. it plays this opening every time though.
thanks for the advice too.
give it a whirl if you can. the program can be found here
the programmer seems to think it's a fair opening for black even if the rest of the world thinks otherwise!
if it's possible, perhaps you can point out at which stage it becomes obvious it was a blunder for black.
2...Bd6 is not a blunder (it doesn't hang anything) ; it's simply a move that slightly hampers black's development.
I think all of Neneko's suggestions make sense ; I would however not play an immediate 3.d4 as 3...exd4 frees black's bishop diagonal and may give a justification to its position, but that's only my opinion.
the program 'freechess'
plays this opening as black on 'hard' level:
1 e2-e4 e7-e5
2 Ng1-f3 Bf8-d6
....defending the e5 pawn with the bishop rather than the more common Nb8-c6 'epine dorsal'
I have checked the brilliant Network Of Chess Openings Site and it wasn't listed.
Have you come across it before and if so what are good responses for white ?