
kingside fianchetto trap (E.P.)


5. d4 exd3 e.p. 6. Nxd3 and all is square. (5. ... Bxe5 looks better for black.)
although this won't happen very often sometimes players make blunders in openings that they are unfemiliar with.
thanks loomis. 5. d4 f6 maybe would control that rather than E.P.

f6 probably traps the knight.. just keep careful:


Check the move list to see the mistakes black can make along the way and the right way to win the piece. 


Yea this isnt the natural way of the opening but i have seen it a couple time. Nice Post!

Loomis wrote:

f6 probably traps the knight.. just keep careful:


Check the move list to see the mistakes black can make along the way and the right way to win the piece. 

yeah i looked at that line before and decided that it was best to threaten the knight with bishop first then the pawn.

rexbo wrote: Loomis wrote:

f6 probably traps the knight.. just keep careful:


Check the move list to see the mistakes black can make along the way and the right way to win the piece. 

yeah i looked at that line before and decided that it was best to threaten the knight with bishop first then the pawn.
