
Leningrad Dutch v/s KID


Leningrad Dutch starts with d4, f5. The pieces of black are then developed by g6; Bg7; 0-0; d6; c6; Na6 etc,. (Similar to King's Indian Defence).

The central pawn break comes with e5, and black has a pawn on f5 rather than on f7.

I just wanted to know what are the pros and cons of Leningrad Dutch.


There is no safe haven for the Black King in the Leningrad Dutch. In the King's Indian, anybody that knows how to play it knows that you don't play f5 until White has committed to d5, closing the center. If you play ...f5 while the White pawn is still on d4 and Black pawn on c5 or e5, you are asking to be killed.

The King's Indian is Sound. The Leningrad is dubious at best.


A myriad of anti-dutch gambit lines, for one, that are dangerous if unprepared. KID limits the danger to later phases. A lot of lines will have white pushing d5, and black may struggle to play e5, and thus leave gaping holes in his position.


While that plans might look similar (I'm using that term very loosely) the pawn structures are far from it. There are very few lines where you will be able to get the e5-f5 pawn pair in the Dutch if you are making moves like c6 and Na6 first.

If you play the Leningrad, it is highly suggested to play positions similar to the Classical and Stonewall because relying on playing the Leningrad like a system will get you into trouble with certain lines.


The Leningrad Dutch is one of the weakest openings in chess. Only trash players use it and they deserve to lose for even trying.


Did you know that the Leningrad Dutch is a strong opening used by many strong players?

Koh-i-noor wrote:

Did you know that the Leningrad Dutch is a strong opening used by many strong players?

only by very dumb players sorry

brianchesscake έγραψε:
Koh-i-noor wrote:

Did you know that the Leningrad Dutch is a strong opening used by many strong players?

only by very dumb players sorry

You mean that you use it? Can you show us some of your games?

