
Looking for a closed line against d4


I'm a closed position player who likes the Carro-Kan against e4. I want to find a similar line against d4. Should I go with the Slav? Anyone have any suggestions? Also, if you recommned a defense, could you also suggest a good book on the same? Thanks.

If you like the caro kann then the slav against 1d4 is a natural choice. Its also solid and very popular currently. Try : The Slav vs 1d4  by Silman and Donaldson, another useful slav book is Slav for The Tournament Player by Flear. A decision you will have to make is wheteher to play the 4...dxc4  slav or  4.....e6  which is the semi-slav or will you use both?  Smile
Thank you. I had seen some lines in the Slav that looked appealing, so I was leaning that way. Thanks again!
Actually I don't suggest the Slav, as White has many ways to break open the position. As much as I hate closed positions, I will suggest the KID (King's Indian Defense). By far the best response to 1.d4 and is a far more 'closed' game than the Slav.
 My favorite line against 1.d4 is the queens gambit declined.  This opening offers many ways for black to equalize very early in the game against 1.d4.

Cambridge Springs Defense (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bg5 Nbd7 5.Nf3 c6 6.e3 Qa5)  is my favorite. According to some people it has never been refuted.

 ECO code is D52

rootworm wrote: Actually I don't suggest the Slav, as White has many ways to break open the position. As much as I hate closed positions, I will suggest the KID (King's Indian Defense). By far the best response to 1.d4 and is a far more 'closed' game than the Slav.

Actually there are several defenses that score better than the KID against 1d4.

Unfortunately, if White is intent on opening up the position there really isn't much you can do about it, regardless of what you play.

I recently switched from the Tarrasch to the Slav, in part because I've been a long-time lover of the Caro-Kann. Want to give the Slav an intense tryout? Join the Slav Open tournament, starting later today!


My favorite, the Budapest Gambit, is about as wild as it gets with d4.  Play the Czech Benoni if you really want a congested position.  WARNING!  You might fall asleep during a game.