
Modern Defence - is it worth it?


if you wanna trigger my PTSD... go for it!




I meant over the board playing it. I DESPISE pirc/modern/owens


im a 1700 level player, have touched 1800 occasionally 
i love this Neo-Modern Defence 
i play it as white too
im aggressive by nature in games so this opening really allows me to attack quickly and very often effectively
its taken a lot of practice to get proficient at using this style and sometimes it can go horribly wrong, but more often than not, the opponents don't seem all that well equipped to defend against this approach. 
a simple look at my last few games at this moment(07/04/2024) should show the various intricacies and variations you land up in.
its a fun/exciting/aggressive play and beginner or not - practice makes perfect. 
by the way, can someone please enlighten me on what the Neo-Modern-Defence is called when you play it as White ?


I play this as white and it works very well against the kings Indian, if you're opponent plays that. Needs a good defence structure so be careful.

Don’t play the Modern until you have experienced the classical openings.

"If Hikaru does really well with it, then I can too." -My brain

(I can't do well with it)


The Modern Defense is a top tier opening!

People who disagree clearly don’t understand the power of the Modern Defense.

In Fact, I have plans of creating a Beginner Guide for the Modern Defense!

My Modern Defense Guide will be taking a deep dive into a secret variation most people don’t know about!

I will teach Beginners to harness their Reptilian Side with the Lizard Defense!