NEW OPENING: English Opening, Saudi Arabian Gambit
Your post makes absolutely no sense.
You give 3 moves for White, and then list 3 moves for Black's third move, 3...Nxb4, 3...d4, and 3...e4. There is no way all 3 of these moves are legal. You would have had to play ...e5, ...d5, and ...Nc6, within the first 2 moves as Black.
If you are going to propose some garbage line, at least provide the moves for both sides so that it makes sense.
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.b4 is actually a line and makes sense.
Anything that features e5 or e6, like 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6, 3.b4 is utter nonsense because of 3...Bxb4!!
Maybe you should be putting your focus on what is already established and sound rather than trying to re-invent the wheel. Or better yet, as only a 1300 player, focus on more important things than openings. Things like Lucena's position, Philidor's Draw, the Short Side Defense, when the Bishop is better than the Knight and vice versa in BvN endings. What Interference is, or an X-Ray, or Windmill, or Zugzwang.