Open Sesame
i too, like e4 but i am having trouble playing ruy lopez so i always play for guicco piano and have a very tough game T_T
i also tried d4 but then budapest gamit came up.
there are lots of opening moves to follow
not unlike 1. b3 the larsen. but the problem is that i don't have any opening theory to start with.
These are the most popular and most respected first moves:
1. e4
The King's Pawn Opening, both popular and logical. It controls the center and opens lines for the Queen and Bishop.
1. d4
Somewhat positional, and a bit slower than 1. e4. It is, however, just as good. Games more often than not are subtle positional battles, wheras e4 is often tactics.
1. c4
The English Opening. This opening is a mix of tactics and manuevering. Games are characterized by fluid struggles for central control.
1. Nf3
The King's Indian Attack, generally followed by g3, Bg2, 0-0, d3, Nbd2, and eventually, e4.
Hope this helps!
is there anyway i can find a decent opening theory for reti (1. Nf3) i have search alot on google engine but then i found nothing...
i wish there was atleast beginners opening theory for the type of opening. thanks. hope someone can aid me on this...
oh my that was a very dangerous opening!! we should beware :)
Actually yes, the Grob starts with g4 I believe and has been used rather successfully by a few individuals.
Michael Basman was a big proponent (perhaps THE proponent) for the Grob.
This is a good example of how he used it.
What is the best opening moves? and What is your favorite?