
Opening recommendation vs 1.e4


I wouldn't be too worried about the Scotch. You have the Malaniuk for a solid positional approach but you also have the Schmidt to completely nullify advantage White would have.


True. I considered and really liked The Schmidt for black.

WCPetrosian wrote:

I have a black repertoire 1...e5 book. It was written to be practical and I think it is a good book. Against the King's Gambit the author uses 2...exf4 3 Nf3 Ne7. He says it was played by GM Bacrot many times. Black's idea is to go ...Ng6 and keep the pawn. In some lines though the knight can go to d5 and then e3 when black will return the pawn for a positional edge or solid position. He says 3...Ne7 deprives white of his typical nasty attacking ideas.

I've played 1...e5 some but it seems to me there are a lot more lines to take on than in the Scandinavian, not that the Scandinavian doesn't have much theory itself. The Scandinavian isn't as good a move as 1...e5 but the Scandi can be hard to beat on the club level and even some GMs play it from time to time.

Could you share the book's name?

WCPetrosian wrote:

Another thing about the Petroff is white can play the King's Gambit.

Alas, no such luck. Black has probably one dozen lines to equalize easily against it, the only problem is that he has to pick one of them...

Endgame_Horizon wrote:
WCPetrosian wrote:

I have a black repertoire 1...e5 book. It was written to be practical and I think it is a good book. Against the King's Gambit the author uses 2...exf4 3 Nf3 Ne7. He says it was played by GM Bacrot many times. Black's idea is to go ...Ng6 and keep the pawn. In some lines though the knight can go to d5 and then e3 when black will return the pawn for a positional edge or solid position. He says 3...Ne7 deprives white of his typical nasty attacking ideas.

I've played 1...e5 some but it seems to me there are a lot more lines to take on than in the Scandinavian, not that the Scandinavian doesn't have much theory itself. The Scandinavian isn't as good a move as 1...e5 but the Scandi can be hard to beat on the club level and even some GMs play it from time to time.

Could you share the book's name?

This might be some inspiration...