I seem to have the most problems with the Pirc (or the Modern transposing to the Pirc, as it usually does). I looked up a little theory, so I'm trying the Austrian attack against it now. I'll see how that goes.
One thing I've found is that if there's an opening you don't know how to play against, try playing it from the other side. That will help you learn its strengths and weaknesses, so you'll know how to handle it. I used to really hate facing the French as white, so I started to play it as black. Now it's one of my favorite openings to play against as white, because I'm really good at attacking it.
We all have one opening that we dont like to play against for whatever reason, whats yours?
I used to dislike playing against 1.c4 in particular but not anymore. in fact, the opening i dont like to play against is this one particular line in the grand prix attack. Main line grand prix i dont mind at all, just this one line!
i also dislike playing against the Gurgenidze defense.
looking forward to your responses.