
Opening you hate to play against!


We all have one opening that we dont like to play against for whatever reason, whats yours?

I used to dislike playing against 1.c4 in particular but not anymore. in fact, the opening i dont like to play against is this one particular line in the grand prix attack. Main line grand prix  i dont mind at all, just this one line! 








i also dislike playing against the Gurgenidze defense.

looking forward to your responses.

I seem to have the most problems with the Pirc (or the Modern transposing to the Pirc, as it usually does). I looked up a little theory, so I'm trying the Austrian attack against it now. I'll see how that goes.


One thing I've found is that if there's an opening you don't know how to play against, try playing it from the other side. That will help you learn its strengths and weaknesses, so you'll know how to handle it. I used to really hate facing the French as white, so I started to play it as black. Now it's one of my favorite openings to play against as white, because I'm really good at attacking it. 



I hate sicilian defense, always I play against, I had some trouble...

The opening that annoys me the most is the closed sicilian (with c3). As for the Grand Prix: I always play the e6 line against it so I've never come across that line. For the Modern/Pirc/(Gurgenidze?) I tend to play it like a Kings Indian Defense, but I've never bothered learning the theory for it.

I agree with Fromper about playing the other side, but nothing could induce me to play c3 in the sicilian. It's the style of play that upsets me, not the actual movesFrown

Really hate playing the sicilian.
You mean some people have ONLY one opening they dont like playing against?!  Laughing

I don't really like playing against the Sicilian, either, but I'm playing a lot more of 1. d4 these days, so I don't have to worry about. But really, there's not that many openings that I worry about. It's the middle games and endgames that kill me.



When I'm playing black and I see the first line of this thread I have no fear at all about how to play the opening. Develop the light squared bishop, play e6, develop all my pieces, obtain a setup that is an improvement over the French Defense. Black has already equalized when white plays 3. e5?! there. From then on, it's just chess.
I hate playing against the Benko Gambit.

I'm with you dutchdefense, the Benko Gambit for sure.  It breaks my heart eveytime I see it.


In fact, maybe I should start playing it myself!!


I'm an equal opportunity blunderer. I can botch any opening without any particular problems.

But an opening that just doesn't suit my tastes is playing against the French from the white side. I've started exchanging pawns early because I just don't play well against long pawn chains.

I do have a few nice shorts against the french, but when black establishes classical looking french positions, I don't fare well in the long run.


I dispise the French Defense with a passion, along with the Ruy Lo exchange. I also hate the Stonewall. I used to hate the Pirc....but then I play the Shredder now against it...

Ruy Lopez Exchange, it just upset me, not sure why.
I have techniques to avoid a lot of openings I don't like to play against. For example, I don't like playing against the Reti, so I meet 1. Nf3 with f5. White then invariable plays d4 in the first few moves, and it's just a Dutch. I don't like playing against the Tarrasch variation when I play my French Defense, so I respond to White's 3. Nd2 with dxe, and then it doesn't matter whether White's knight came from d2 or c3, it's no longer a Tarrasch, it's a Rubinstein (or is it Burn?). I don't like playing against the Guico Piano, so I play the Two Knight's Defense. I avoid a lot of Indian Defenses I don't like by almost always playing 1.  e4 as White.  Etc, etc.  I've found  I can generally avoid  the openings I don't like  and also simplify my opening repertoire  with  a little forethought  and preparation.

the latvian! curse the latvian!!


haha man gotta love the latvian as white.  Fist time i had that played against me I was like wtf are you doing... you cant do that... can you??  wouldnt you rather play Nc6?  Pretty good to see it as white now really.  What do you think about this opening...


now if I end up playing against any of you I know what openings to play

Same goes 2 me i hate the Sicilian...
English.  I just don't know what to play.  Wait!  I'll go look it up.
As White I really hate the nimzo-Indian and as Black I can't stand playing against the Blackmar-Diemer gambit