I'd say I really dislike white's position. It blocks your knights and takes forever to build up. Even worse, you don't have any peices developed. Your opponent has already developed both knights and is in a much better position.
It's not that your opening is 'bad.' It's just very bulky and hard to manage. Where can you go from here? You have your bishops free and open to move, but your knights are stuck. Typically knights get the ball rolling and help progress the game.
Plus, one or two well-placed black pawns will ruin your little white defense. You really don't have enough development to defend yourself. Oh, and you didn't invent this opening. It's used a lot by lower end chess players. It's just typically not the opening an advanced player would use.
EDIT: And it is not white's move as mentioned above, it's black's move. I just played it out and there's no way white could get in such a position with so few moves. (Just to confirm)
I personally think if black allows u to set up such a solid position with white to move its not as bad as it aesthetically seems..
however be on the lookout for tactics revolving around Qh4+ then Qxe4+...
of course these will be sfter some forcing moves or sacrifice by black..
would I "borrow" the opening.. no thanks. its too open for my liking.
good luck.
f3 is just too slow...
...then again white gets to move again by magic! hehe (as pointed out by Reb)
Actually, it is possible for it to be White's move in this position. Both White and Black would have to make some strange moves, though:
Omnipaul, Reb asked about something like that. It's implied no piece was moved twice or 1 space at a time. In this sense, the opening really isn't possible...
Plus, if the only way your opening can work is if your opponent makes such a silly move, it's really not a good opening to rely on :P
Is this a book opening? I thought it up myself but it has it's flaws. Plus I love using the pawns.What do you think personally of it?