I thought I would share my experiences with different openings.
a3, c3, d3, e3, h3- I don't play it, it wastes time and/or is too passive.
a4- The Ware Opening is not as bad as the stats say, mostly because few experienced players have bothered to look into it and learn how to use it effectively.
b3, g3- I use occasionally to fianchetto bishops, although I prefer b4 over b3.
b4- The Orangutan tends to throw off inexperienced players and lead me to a crushing victory.
c4- My favorite opening, especially when the response is c5. I have a good record with this.
d4, g4- I tend to lose, and I'm not sure why.
e4, f4- I play these sometimes, because they are sound and f4 is not something most people see frequently.
f3- A horrible opener, passive and hurts development.
h4- Not as good as a4, as there is a smaller arsenal on the kingside. Also destroys kingside pawn structure.
Na3, Nh3- No sense in developing a knight to an inferior square to start the game.
Nc3- I like this mirror of the Reti Opening, although it prevents developing the c-pawn immediately, which I like to do.
I thought I would share my experiences with different openings.
a3, c3, d3, e3, h3- I don't play it, it wastes time and/or is too passive.
a4- The Ware Opening is not as bad as the stats say, mostly because few experienced players have bothered to look into it and learn how to use it effectively.
b3, g3- I use occasionally to fianchetto bishops, although I prefer b4 over b3.
b4- The Orangutan tends to throw off inexperienced players and lead me to a crushing victory.
c4- My favorite opening, especially when the response is c5. I have a good record with this.
d4, g4- I tend to lose, and I'm not sure why.
e4, f4- I play these sometimes, because they are sound and f4 is not something most people see frequently.
f3- A horrible opener, passive and hurts development.
h4- Not as good as a4, as there is a smaller arsenal on the kingside. Also destroys kingside pawn structure.
Na3, Nh3- No sense in developing a knight to an inferior square to start the game.
Nc3- I like this mirror of the Reti Opening, although it prevents developing the c-pawn immediately, which I like to do.
Nf3- A good move, but I don't play it much.