What you describe sounds like what's called the Scholar's Mate:
The exact moves vary from game to game, but that's the general idea. This may work for you against low level players and your friends, but when you start playing serious opposition on the internet, you'll get beat a lot trying this. This might be good, though, since you'll learn from the experience.
As for what to do instead, here's an article on general opening principles to follow:
Ok, so I am new here, All my previous chess experience has been self taught, or playing against friends. I've never played against stragers before, and I have never read, or had any knowlage of any formal chess styles or common moves or aything. I am interested in learning alot more about traditional openings. I have not the first clue about openings, I just tend to move a few pawns out and try and make some threats with my bishops and Queen. I have heard some people say you should always move the knights out first, but I like my bishops, and have usually played with this tactic.
I am looking for advice basically, where can I learn more about opening moves, and what errors can you see in my opening tactic I usually use above! I am sure there are many!
Thank you for your time