I'll chime in again and say Caruana has had a reputation for some time as a player who purposely goes into these sorts of positions (the engine says the eval is 0.8 against him, sometimes more) but he chose it because he noticed that intuitively good moves for his opponent are actually bad, and his opponents are unlikely to check this line deeply, because the engine says it's good for them.
Caruana also pointed out in an interview that all positions, when you prepare and analyze deeply enough, either end up as a draw or a win. So in that sense 0.8 doesn't actually mean anything bad if it's going to end up at 0.00, it's just a warning sign. In a real game, as long as you have an idea to leverage, and know where the pieces belong, you're going to do just fine.
And I've seen this for myself. One time I was trying to refute some position my opponent kept playing into, but as is typical of structures with pawns on d5 and e4, the engine was saying I had an advantage that didn't actually exist. You put 15 more moves on the board and the engine says oops, my bad, it's just 0.3 not 0.8... and since your hash isn't large enough, it wont remember that. It will send you down some rabbit hole of "oh this other line is 0.8, this time for sure..." but nope, it's not. The engine will never figure this out from the initial position. You always have to put more moves on the board to get a proper eval.
In the end it's better to play something that has ideas you understand and are excited about trying to leverage for a win than it is to chase some engine eval.
well perhaps black shoudnt castle here (as in fact in many lines of the owens black should delay castling).
Lessons for a beginner: develop quickly, control the center, castle as soon as possible
Also to the same beginner: You may want to delay castling here.
You just demonstrated why an aspiring beginner should not use it as it contradicts the information they are just learning.
just like 1.c6 and 1.c5 violate those very principles. NEXT.heck the french greek gift is a rite of passage yet i dont see coaches terrified of teaching kids the french.
read my lips . AD HOC explanation.
Like come on , dude the guy is learning to not hang pieces, you really think his opponent could even penalize his castling if he did it? its such a disingenuous objection. At his level he needs to play enough hundred games to develop basically tactical intuition and not quit out of boredom. his knowledge of opening just like his opponents will be absolutely elementary. He is hundreds of points too soon to even begin worrying about where castling might be a sublte positional error. His opponents dont have the know how to exploit it.