
Playing against Nimzo-indian


Dear chesslovers,

I need some advice. I bought the book"starting out 1.d4" by John Cox. I don't like the recommendation by Cox against Nimzo-India. He recommends the kasparov variation Qc2. I do not like defending - I prefer to do all the attacking. If I have a choice between dynamic or defending to get the static advantages, I would choose dynamic.

I play Rubenstein variation against it but I don't have any materials on it. Can someone tell me more about Rubenstein, do I need a good book on it? I do play the modern treatment, Bd3 and Nge2. What are the pitfalls in that variation? Is the variation theory intensive?

 Is there any other variations against NI which do not require that I go out and buy a book (if I can find one)?

I just always use the e4 opening it never fails me when it works correctly!!  :)
well with 1.e4 how do you respond to 1...c5 !!!

e4 has problems when the scilian nadjdorf variation is played it allows black real chances.


Have you ever heard of the canal attack against the Sicilian?  It's one of the only openings that has a higher percentage than the open.  Although it has fewer games, it can be really annoying.
I suggest you an interesting book: Nimzo indian dangerous weapons
Is the variation you like? I would like it as White also.


Yes thats the variation. Black plays the hubner variation. Black hopes to double whites pawn and then use a bloackading strategy by d6.


 I think I will go and get a book on this variation. 


thanks for the variation against scilian. I think I will stick to 1.d4 for now. too much investments and I quite enjoy it. 

EnGliSHCheSsPlAy wrote: I suggest you an interesting book: Nimzo indian dangerous weapons

 I concur with this.


i play 1.d4 nf6 2.c4 e6 3. e3

it confuses the hell outta them but then on move 4 u play 4. nc3 and if he pins it then u play ne2 so his pin is pointless and he looses a tempo