
Post ur favorite openings here! I need help finding a good opening.


English and king' indian defence


As black I play the Petroff and Tarrasch Defense (3...c5 in the Queen's Gambit Declined, instead of 3...Nf6 or anything else). I use two repertoire books for each.

As white I play the sequence 1 d4 2 Nf3 3 g3 4 Bg2 5 0-0 6 c4 as put forth in the repertoire books Strategic Play with 1 d4 and Keep It Simple 1 d4. The sequence is not a given, it can be derailed, but that is covered in both books also.

ChessJMSM wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

The Fried Liver Attack!

the fried liver attack is a gambit and shouldn't be used as an opening

The Fried Liver is one of the most devastating lines in chess.

The Fried Liver Attack isn’t called a Gambit.

When a person sacrifices a piece for a winning attack, They don’t call it a Gambit.

They call it a mating attack.

Dragonlouis wrote:

I play the italian as white, and really enjoy the positions that I end up in. Idea after e4,e5,Nf3,Nc6,Bc4,Bc5, you play c3. Nf6 (attacking e4), d3(defending e4). From there, there's nothing you really need to memorize. Castle, bring your knight. When your opponent plays d6, drop your bishop back to b3 and if they develop be6, play bc2 so you can use it later. One thing that is crucial to remember is that you need to bring your knight to g3. Do this by moving Nd2, Re1, Nf1, Ng3. From there, attack the kingside, build a strong center with d4, or attack the queenside as you see fit.

I use to play the Bird Attack!

Instead of d3 defending the e4 pawn, you play b4 attacking Black Bishop on c5.


For begginers it should be Italian bro


Pick one... and stick with it. The mastery of the opening is what makes it strong...

Case in point... here is a game of mine I just played. I play the Colle Koltanowski. I get told all the time it's a beginner's opening. Or that Black equalizes easily. That said "Chess is Chess... & tactics are tactics."  Get to know your opening, so when your opponent plays inaccurate you can take advantage. I'm pretty sure my opponent after move 6 probably thought he/she equalized... and was in for an easy game.


Bishop's Opening is one I find myself using.