First off, change your font color so that we don't have to highlight it just to read it.
Second, while the book may be 25 years old and the theory a little outdated, for learning the QG, this is the best book ever written on the Queen's Gambit Declined.
You would also need to study the Slav and QGA. If you ever get into serious competition, as in over 2000 over the board (not 2000 here), you might need an update on the QGD, but for now, you need to understand it, not find the latest novelty on move 23. This book does what it needs to do.
I have a question because I'm playing the Queen's Gambit and after opening I don't know what to play. Is there any book that I can learn about it or games of some masters only for the Queen's Gambit?
I have some books with GM's games but its always E4