
Refute the Englund gambit

im all for playing gambits but the Englund is just bad. White is +3 in the position above. Many ways to chase blacks queen and threaten the rook on a8 with never ending tempos and even mating threats. If you’re low rated and play 1d4 as white remember this line and your rating will go up.


4.Bd2 is the move I found

Compadre_J wrote:

4.Bd2 is the move I found

Black can equalize by taking back the pawn. White goes from +1.2 to +.2

trw0311 wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

4.Bd2 is the move I found

Black can equalize by taking back the pawn. White goes from +1.2 to +.2

I disagree.

I don’t think Black has equalized.

Also, your own statement doesn’t support your case that Black is Equal.

+ 0.20 would indicate White has Small Edge which I believe can be natured.


Welcome... to the "Beat the Englund Gambit like a red headed step child" party. happy.png lol

Been playing this variation for quite some time now, came across it years back... I'm a Center Counter Defense player. IMO... it's playing the Scandinavian/Center Counter defense as White with a move.

here is all the malarkey I usually encounter over at Lichess. (the main line is about the soundest line...


If Black plays d6, I would just take the pawn.

Than white would be up by 1 pawn

Compadre_J wrote:
trw0311 wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

4.Bd2 is the move I found

Black can equalize by taking back the pawn. White goes from +1.2 to +.2

I disagree.

I don’t think Black has equalized.

Also, your own statement doesn’t support your case that Black is Equal.

+ 0.20 would indicate White has Small Edge which I believe can be natured.

Going from 1.2 to .2 is a mistake in my opinion. Going from .5 to .2 is an inaccuracy in the opening for white and already starting the losing/draw process. .2 (less than half a tempo) is not an advantage a human can even appreciate. Game above is 100% accuracy for white, those are the best moves bottom line.


Yes, the main trap to watch out for is 6.Bc3?? which is a disastrous (but reasonable looking) blunder.

White might as well resign here.

But as long as White remembers to avoid that (playing the knight to c3, instead) - he should be golden.

I admit to forgetting about this and auto-piloting the Bc3 blunder on a few occasions ... It's no fun to fall prey to a trap that you already know about - so be vigilant.