Refute the Englund gambit
4.Bd2 is the move I found
Black can equalize by taking back the pawn. White goes from +1.2 to +.2
4.Bd2 is the move I found
Black can equalize by taking back the pawn. White goes from +1.2 to +.2
I disagree.
I don’t think Black has equalized.
Also, your own statement doesn’t support your case that Black is Equal.
+ 0.20 would indicate White has Small Edge which I believe can be natured.
Welcome... to the "Beat the Englund Gambit like a red headed step child" party. lol
Been playing this variation for quite some time now, came across it years back... I'm a Center Counter Defense player. IMO... it's playing the Scandinavian/Center Counter defense as White with a move.
here is all the malarkey I usually encounter over at Lichess. (the main line is about the soundest line...