
Repertoire against 1.d4


like the others stated above, it's a matter of finding one that matches your style: aggressive or solid? read this article about your 4 choices of opening...





I play the Grunfeld. Cautious players beware, however - it is not for the faint-hearted!
Try Nimzo-Indian(1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4) or Grunfeld(1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5)

brother, if you know your capabilities, weaknesses and playing style , you can find the opening that is right for you. This is how it's done, play if you can the openings that you think are playable against 1.d4. Try to feel the openings if it suits your style of play. And when you found one, try using and studying it most of the time. record the games that you played and learn from it most especially those you lost. Know which pieces play the most active role in a certain opening and what part of the game it leads to. Example if its a Queens Gambit try asking your self if your comfortable with isoalted pawns or rook endgames.Then practice the rook endgames I suggest you study Akiba Rubinteins or Capablancas. these two have a lot of rook endgames in their games.Or better yet study the rook endgame that arises form the queens gambit. And if you prefer the Chigorin, ask your self if you are capable of handling knights and saying good bye to your bishops.Wink

I had similar problems getting to grips with 1 d4 ... myself and found a decent response in the Slav. This probably has a lot to do with my primary source being Matthew Sadler's excellent 'The Slav' (Chess Press and now Everyman, I think). Maybe you need to worry less about which system to choose and more about the material you're learning from. Most opening books are as dull as dishwater and are either reference books or pitched at budding IM's.
EXCELLENT decision. That book is one of the best on the market, IMHO. When all is said and done, I'm sure you will have gained lots of rating points.