
Ruy Lopez


What are some ways to exploit the Ruy Lopez and achive its full potential?

Well, it's a pain for black, and the position improves itself for white Cool
Sly, I just started with it on you.  Is this why you are asking?
The Lopez is very solid and Black can get very good counter chances.  Here is the Chigorin Defense.


that looks okay none of whites queenside have moved but he has a good chance of winning the center in trade for a slight developmental edge on blacks part. 

Black has other options. The Open Variation with an early Bc5 lead to sharp and unbalanced play. The Ruy is good for white, but black is not without counterplay.

Thanks guys,and lol Nevil I am not asking because you used that move on me(We just started a game together), I am asking because I researched about the Ruy Lopez before, but I never saw what the point was in bringing the King's bishop to b5, because unless you want to trade pieces(bishop for knight) what is the real use of the bishop?


well the pin, or potential pin on the knight which defends e5 can be a real pita.  a6 is usually played by black pushing the bishop back to a4 so that when necessary black can break the pin with b5. 

Ahh that makes sense, thanks sstteevveenn 


I don't think the Chigorin is the optimal line.  I am a big fan of both sides of the Marshall Gambit.  It's tends much more towards the better player than to either side I think.  Though Black has a hard time proving compensation if he plays *any* passive moves until getting back the pawn sacrifice.


nice one for white...............
Black has many options against White's Ruy Lopez, and its variations (Exchange, etc.)  My chosen defense against the Ruy Lopez is Morphy's Defense, which I believe was Fischer's chosen defense as well.

I'm not quite sure what its name is, but I usually play this defense against the Ruy Lopez. I suppose it's just because I like the feel of it.


It does throw white off often, as the more common move is a6. Black would aim towards playing d4 in the future, and letting the bishops loose.

3...Nge7 is the Cozio defence i think.  0-0 or c3 or even Nc3 are decent replies for white i think.