Ruy Lopez
imho, the best way to avoid the ruy is to not give white the opportunity. go that 1. ..e6 you've always dreamed of. or that 1. ..g6 (modern defense--love it!).
or if you're feeling particularly frisky (and i'm usually not), depart from the epine dorsal on the second move: 2. ..f5?!
it's a great big world out there, pizza 1512, full of mystery and wonder. don't let the ruy get you down!
You can read all about the Fishing Pole at
or in my new book
How to Play Chess Like An Animal
or watch 6 time US Champion lose to the Fishing Pole in 16 moves in a 40 board simul on Youtube-
email me at [email protected] if you want the game score and analysis.
I really hate the Ruy Lopez being played on me... can anyone suggest a method from the bishop pin which really irritates me?
I do try my attacking the bishop with a6 however I don't always feel comfortable opening my queenside.