
Ruy Lopez


I really hate the Ruy Lopez being played on me... can anyone suggest a method from the bishop pin which really irritates me?


   I do try my attacking the bishop with a6 however I don't always feel comfortable opening my queenside.

a6 doesn`t really "open" the queenside, it`s actually a very good move as b5 is an easy spot to get both for the bishop to pin, and the b1 knight. And the following b5, opens the bishop fianchetto while black is losing some tempo. Besides, unless you are planning to castle on the queenside, I don`t really see any problem opening up the queenside, if you can keep a strong center, it will only give you more space.
The only thing I don't like about the so-called Morphy Defense - putting the question to the Bishop (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 ) - is that is encourages the exchange, which, as Black, I've never been comforable with.  A line I sometimes use (which is statistically terrible, but oddly, I am comfortable with) is Bird's Defense, named after the never-boring Henry Bird (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nd4). But, this is a dangerous opening, so don't try it at home, kiddies.
hmm, i agree,the ruy lopez is irritating. How ever, the morphy defence is not the only option. u could just move your knight, if u haven't moved the d pawn already, that's a first. as bat girl said, the bird's defence is risky, but beneficial.
Can someone please explain why everyone as black goes 2 Nc6 and not Bd6?

imho, the best way to avoid the ruy is to not give white the opportunity. go that 1. ..e6 you've always dreamed of. or that 1. ..g6 (modern defense--love it!).

or if you're feeling particularly frisky (and i'm usually not), depart from the epine dorsal on the second move: 2. ..f5?!

it's a great big world out there, pizza 1512, full of mystery and wonder. don't let the ruy get you down!


You could always play Sicilian instead


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Chess assistant gives 22 possible third moves for black in the spanish !  with 3.....Bb4?! scoring over 40% ! Strange eh? If you find the spanish too annoying dont play 1....e5 or play 2.....Nf6 , even 2.....d6 isnt so bad below master level.
You could try Philidor (2..d6), Petrov's (2..Nf6), or an asymmetrical response to     1.e4!