Lapshun is quite good for its collection of games (in fact, it's where I first saw this game), but some of his ideas are a bit suspect, namely playing the Tartakower Gambit (1. b4 e5 2. Bb2 f6 3. e4) which engines really do not like for White (I prefer the more positional 3. b5) and I remember in some of the lines with Black playing Bg4 he recommends playing an early Qc1 to break the pin on the f3 knight (I feel that this burns a tempo unnecessarily).
Hansen is a good reference for lines to look for in games, but you will never become great with an opening by just memorizing theory. It's important to practice it yourself and study past games.
I have not read Konikowski.
you are not missing much, its not a repertoire book but feels like a giant info dump of lines . There is some good stuff here that Lapshun doent cover, but the book also wastes a lot of pages on total garbage stuff for some completionist dream no one asked for.
you have to get the Hansen book. New creative lines are shown and this times its actually engine checked and not some crazynesss lapshun baked up at Basman labs .
I'm a fan of second tier openings. I play the Tarrasch Defense and 3...Qa5 Scandinavian when black. Really like the Tarrasch Defense because black's king is constantly quite safe. Haven't found such a defense against 1 e4.
I'm interested in buying Hansen's book, but I have it my head from looking at 1 b4 in the past that white's king is in significant danger in a main line or two, though it's been a while and I don't clearly recall. What do you think about white's king's safety in 1 b4? How often has your white king been in danger in 1 b4?
Very rarely. Usually if my king is in trouble, it is from waiting too long to castle. Though there are times to wait (and occasionally not castle or castle queenside.)
Lapshun is quite good for its collection of games (in fact, it's where I first saw this game), but some of his ideas are a bit suspect, namely playing the Tartakower Gambit (1. b4 e5 2. Bb2 f6 3. e4) which engines really do not like for White (I prefer the more positional 3. b5) and I remember in some of the lines with Black playing Bg4 he recommends playing an early Qc1 to break the pin on the f3 knight (I feel that this burns a tempo unnecessarily).
Hansen is a good reference for lines to look for in games, but you will never become great with an opening by just memorizing theory. It's important to practice it yourself and study past games.
I have not read Konikowski.
you are not missing much, its not a repertoire book but feels like a giant info dump of lines . There is some good stuff here that Lapshun doent cover, but the book also wastes a lot of pages on total garbage stuff for some completionist dream no one asked for.
you have to get the Hansen book. New creative lines are shown and this times its actually engine checked and not some crazynesss lapshun baked up at Basman labs .
I'm a fan of second tier openings. I play the Tarrasch Defense and 3...Qa5 Scandinavian when black. Really like the Tarrasch Defense because black's king is constantly quite safe. Haven't found such a defense against 1 e4.
I'm interested in buying Hansen's book, but I have it my head from looking at 1 b4 in the past that white's king is in significant danger in a main line or two, though it's been a while and I don't clearly recall. What do you think about white's king's safety in 1 b4? How often has your white king been in danger in 1 b4?