What happens when black forces piece exchanges?
Sometimes resulting in less comand of the center?
How does the turtle come out of it's shell and attack the opposing king?
you will find that this formation is perfectly... symmetrics, lol
just make sure your queen can do castling heehheeheeheee.... peace!
dont try this!! u will lose!
Ive been hearing that people have been losing because they dont have very good openings. Ive learned the hard way not to bring my queen out early. nevermind the fact that the black pieces arent moving, but look at this, its called the fianchetto:
Now, if youre playing against someone, the opening should be a race to this formation.Why? because whoever gets to the center controls the board.
Or, if you are more on the defence side, you could try something like this:
The opponent will be so angry and make a stupid move trying to get at your king. Dont forget this is sicilian, so always do it on your king side.