
Start becoming an opening master today!


Sorry I've just read the whole thread and need to go for a leak to try to stop laughing so much......


and here was i thinking chess was civilised.   lol.   last time i heard bitchiness like this i was still at school...... but then i'm re-learning after not playing for years so my whole game could probably do with a makeover.Smile
Chesslover96 wrote: Yes, I was not thinking that by saying "become and opening master" that masters would come annoy us and tease us, laugh at us, etc. I don't know how to change the title though.

Players of all strengths read these forums, and players of all strengths would be interested in a little informed opening advice. The problem is that this forum doesn't quite "do what it says on the tin". May I suggest a more appropriate title? "Opening advice for beginners". This will surely keep all those pesky Masters away. Please remember that you can expect a variety (quality, tone, content) of responses to any post, and should not take it too much to heart. It's my opinion that the "ribbing" you've recieved has been beneficial to the popularity of this thread. Chin up and soldier on!


"I ALWAYS stress the point of understanding why the opening books suggest a move, why a move was played, and so on."

 The problem is, I can't believe that from your rating (and some of what you've written in this thread) that you yourself have an understanding of why moves are played. I'm sure you know some reasons for the moves, but probably not a real understanding. 


"I don't know how to change the title though."

Translation: I know it's the right thing to do, but it seems to involve a modicum of effort on my part to figure out how, so I think I'll skip it. Doesn't exactly make me want to stand behind you as my fearless leader. 


I think a prodigous career in marketing becons for chesslover96....


Good post, ignore the haters.




I think it s enough of attacks to Chesslover, don t you think so?

I want to encourage our younger writers as much as I can. It is only by "doing" can someone become better at anything. Writing clearly about any subject is an acquired skill. Learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up and go forward.

Here is a line you can learn against the Scandinavian Defense:

1 e4....d5

2 e5....c5

3 b4. Try playing that as White. Some of the positions will get complicated quickly.

As to the Italian, Black gets lots more counterplay using

1 e4...e5

2 Nf3...Nc6

3 Bc4...Nf6 (the 2 Knights), especially the Wilkes Barre and Traxler type lines. Very good for newbies to learn this stuff as it will help you will certain tactics.

I used to play the Dragon and it is effective. White's best is going slow. Getting overextended as White usually ends up in Black's favor. The Black sacrifice of C3 usually crushes most people playing White.




Person on the Internet: "I'm going to try to fly today by jumping off a tall building."

Voice of reason 1: "This sounds like a foolish idea, you'll die."

Person on the Internet: "Nonsense, I'll be wearing a cape."

Voice of reason 2: "You don't understand, this is a bad idea."

Person on the Internet: "I didn't post this so that I could be made fun of!"

Voice of insanity: "Yeah! Don't listen to the haters!" 


heh. the attacks were the best part :P i was cracking up @ ray's battle tactics.

Yes, I must admit, I was NOT expecting this when I made my post (Maybe I should practice forum naming, not openings), but it has been quite entertaining.


Person one: I'm going to share my strengths and try to help some people!

Person two: You suck, you aren't good enough and you did it wrong.

Person three: Don't listen to the haters, keep doing your thing. 



I must disagree with you on teaching beginners the Traxler Variation of the Two Knight's Defense. It is a very complicated opening, and White has a good response:

1. e4    e5

2. Nf3   Nc6

3. Bc4   Nf6

4. Ng5   Bc5!? (Traxler)

5. Bxf7+ Ke7

6. Bd5

And White has the advantage.


has anyone discouraging chesslover96  stopped to think that maybe he devoted an extreme attention to the opening and is significantly weaker in the rest of the game  (strategy, tactics, middle game, endgame, etc.) and that is why he is <1500?  maybe he does play the opening flawlessly, but its the rest of his game that gives him trouble...          

 im just saying that before you needlessly persecute someone, you should take into mind any pluasable explanations...

 and either way... any discussion, weither from someone better or worse, about any aspect of chess (or anything else for that matter)  is always benificial to both parties...


I agree batmanmg, I was only trying to help, not brag. I do study openings a lot, but I also practice tactics a lot. I have been trying to improve my overall game a lot in recent times, but openings are still my strength.

As for my <1500 rating, I am better that average (51.4 percent), and I lost a lot of games on time a while ago. At one point I was at about 1450, and I plan to get higher than that by the end of February. I just try to practice, play, and learn from my mistakes.


(Maybe I should practice forum naming, not openings). Nice attitude and funny.


Thanks cheapciggies.


For god's sake guys, stop being such asshats.

He's trying to help people, and the group itself is pretty good. Most of you are just being complete jerks when you haven't even bothered to look into the group. 


The chess opening expert has created a new opening. heheheh

Everybody check it out.

matzleeach wrote:

The chess opening expert has created a new opening. heheheh

Everybody check it out.

It s not funny matzleeach.and besides he didn t create it.just posted a gambit.sure it s maybe not a good idea to perform it.But as you had the gentleness to prove in the post above, not all posts should be good :)